March 14, 2025

The preliminary estimate of consumer sentiment for March fell 9.8 points to 57.0 after having declined 3,4 points in February and 2.9 points in January.  The January level is the lowest since November 2022.

Surveys of Consumers Director Joanne Hsu said, Consumer sentiment slid another 11% this month, with declines seen consistently across all groups by age, education, income, wealth, political affiliations, and geographic regions. Sentiment has now fallen for three consecutive months and is currently down 22% from December 2024. While current economic conditions were little changed, expectations for the future deteriorated across multiple facets of the economy, including personal finances, labor markets, inflation, business conditions, and stock markets. Many consumers cited the high level of uncertainty around policy and other economic factors; frequent gyrations in economic policies make it very difficult for consumers to plan for the future, regardless of one’s policy preferences. Consumers from all three political affiliations are in agreement that the outlook has weakened since February. Despite their greater confidence following the election, Republicans posted a sizable 10% decline in their expectations index in March. For Independents and Democrats, the expectations index declined an even steeper 12 and 24%, respectively.”

She added that,, “Year-ahead inflation expectations jumped up from 4.3% last month to 4.9% this month, the highest reading since November 2022 and marking three consecutive months of unusually large increases of 0.5 percentage points or more. This month’s rise was seen across all three political affiliations. Long-run inflation expectations surged from 3.5% in February to 3.9% in March. This is the largest month-over-month increase seen since 1993, stemming from a sizable rise among Independents, and followed an already-large increase in February.

While this is a rather dramatic-looking drop in confidence, the last time that confidence fell this low was when inflation was at its peak.  But the steep drop never translated into a reduction in consumer spending.  Unfortunately, the relationship between confidence and spending has not worked well for the past several years.

The uncertainty regarding policy, tariffs in particular, is taking a toll.  In fact, as noted about, inflation expectations rose from 4.3% in the coming year to 4.9%.  That is a huge monthly jump and is, apparently, attributable to tariffs.  We actually expect inflation to edge lower in the coming year as reduced wage pressures and falling home prices keep inflation in check.  A big pickup in the inflation rate seems highly unlikely.  Consumers appear to be overly concerned.

The slower growth rate for inflation should allow the Fed to continue to ease.  We expect the funds rate to fall from 4.3% currently to 4.1% by the end of 2025..

Both the University of Michigan’s consumer sentiment index and the Conference Board’s measure of consumer confidence have fallen sharply.  The two series can diverge from one month to the next, but the trends are similar.

GDP grew 2.3% GDP growth  in Q4 and we expect to see 1.5% GDP growth in first quarter as extremely bad weather in January and the wildfires in California take a toll, and 2.5% GD{ growth for 2025 as a whole.

Consumers’ assessment of current conditions declined 2.2 points  from.65.7 to 63.5

Consumer expectations for six months from now fell 9.8 points from 64.0 to 54.2..

Stephen Slifer


Charleston, SC