Gross Domestic Purchases Deflator

July 25, 2024 There are many different deflators that are available.  This one is for gross domestic purchases which measures prices paid by U.S. residents.  It is the one measure of inflation that the Commerce Department talks about when it releases the GDP report.  ...

Producer Price Index

July 12 2024 The Producer Price Index for final demand  includes producer prices for goods, as well as prices for construction, services, government purchases, and exports and covers over 75% of domestic production. Producer prices for final demand for 0.2% in June...

Consumer Price Index

July 11, 2024 The CPI fell 0.1% in June after having been unchanged in May. The year-over-year increase is currently 3.0%.  We expect the CPI to increase 2.9% in 2024. Food prices rose 0.2% in June after climbing 0.1% in May.    In the past year food prices have risen...

Employment Cost Index

April 30, 2024 The employment cost index for civilian workers climbed at a 4.7% annual rate after gaining 3.7% in the fourth quarter.    Over the course of the past year it has risen 4.2%. With the unemployment rate currently at 3.8% and full employment presumably...

Gasoline Prices

June 13, 2023 Gasoline prices fell $0.03 in the week ending June 5 to $3.54 after having risen $0.04 in the previous week.   In South Carolina gasoline prices tend to be about $0.25 below the national average or $3.29.  The EIA currently expects gasoline prices...