Consumer Sentiment

July 26, 2024 The final estimate of consumer sentiment for July declined 1.8 points to 66.4 after having fallen 0.9 point in June as consumers worry that inflation might remain higher than expected for a protracted period. Surveys of Consumers Director Joanne Hsu...

Personal Income and Consumption Expenditures — Monthly

July 26, 2024 Personal consumption expenditures rose 0.3% in June after gaining 0.4% in May and 0.2% in April.  In the past year nominal spending has risen 5.2%. What we are really interested in is “real” or inflation-adjusted spending.  That is what goes...

Consumer Confidence

June 25, 2024 . The Conference Board reported that consumer confidence fell 0.9 point in June to 100.4 after rising 3.8 points in May.  it continues to hover near the low end of the 100-110 ban that it has been in for the past two years. Chief Economist at the...

Consumer Net Worth

April 4, 2024 .Consumer net worth jumped 12.8% in the fourth quarter of last year. after declining 3.7% in the third quarter  Over the past year consumer net worth has increased 8.0%. The growth in net worth reflects both the steady increase in stock prices during the...

Consumer Debt Service Ratio

April 4, 2024 Consumers debt service payments relative to income rose somewhat in the fourth quarter to 9.8%,  .Consumer debt in relation to income is slightly higher than it was a couple of quarters ago as the result of a rapid increase in credit card debt.  But the...

Consumer Loans

April 4, 2024 The economy has been chugging along at about a 2.5% pace.  Consumer loans growth in the past year has been climbing at a roughly comparable 2.9% pace.  Nothing too surprising with the extent of consumer borrowing from banks. Rather than borrowing from a...