Housing Hits Bottom

July 26, 2024 Existing home sales plunged 5.4% in June to 3,890 thousand which is the fourth consecutive decline in sales. Its current level is in line with the low points reached in both the 2008-09 and 2020 recessions.  A dramatic increase in home prices and...

Consumer Sentiment

July 26, 2024 The final estimate of consumer sentiment for July declined 1.8 points to 66.4 after having fallen 0.9 point in June as consumers worry that inflation might remain higher than expected for a protracted period. Surveys of Consumers Director Joanne Hsu...


July 25, 2024 . The advance estimate of second quarter GDP growth was 2.8% compared to GDP growth of 1.4% in the first quarter.  The second quarter reading was slightly higher than the consensus forecast of 2.5%. Final sales, which is GDP excluding the change in...

Final Sales

July 25, 2024 When the economy is slowing down, firms will accumulate unwanted inventories.   Those inventories still show up in GDP, but they are unsold.  Hence, GDP will be biased upwards.  Similarly, in good times businesses will reduce inventory levels to satisfy...