Final Sales to Domestic Purchasers

July 25, 2024 It is important to remember that final sales is a measure of how many domestically produced goods are sold each quarter.  But we also sell goods overseas — our exports.   And we purchase goods from other countries — our imports. In the...

Gross Domestic Purchases Deflator

July 25, 2024 There are many different deflators that are available.  This one is for gross domestic purchases which measures prices paid by U.S. residents.  It is the one measure of inflation that the Commerce Department talks about when it releases the GDP report.  ...

Durable Goods Orders

July 25, 2034 Durable goods orders fell a sizeable 6.6% in June after having risen 0.1% in May.   The decline was attributable to the very volatile transportation sector, non-defense aircraft in particular.  With this latest decline durable goods orders have fallen...

Initial Unemployment Claims

July 25, 2024 Initial unemployment claims fell 10 thousand in the week ending July 20 to 235 thousand after increasing 22 thousand in the previous week.   This series has been rising very slowly since the beginning of the year. The number of people receiving...

New Home Sales

July 24, 2024 New home sales edged lower by 0.6% in June to 617 thousand after having plunged by 14.9% in May.   New home sales had been stick in a range from 625-700 thousand for some time, but the pace of sales has fallen off markedly in the past two months to about...

Existing Home Sales

July 23, 2024 . Existing home sales plunged 5.4% in June to 3,890 thousand after having declined 0.7% in May.  In fact, this is the fourth consecutive decline as the combination of near 7.0% mortgage rates, steadily rising prices, and a shortage of homes available for...