February 28, 2025

There are many different measures of inflation, but the one that the Federal Reserve considers to be most important is the personal consumption expenditures deflator, in particular the PCE deflator excluding the volatile food and energy components.

The PCE deflator rose 0.3% in January after rising 0.3% in December and 0.1% in November.  The year-over-year increase now stands at 2.5%.

Excluding the volatile food and energy components the PCE deflator rose 0.3% in December after having risen 0.2% in December and 0.1% in November. The year-over-year increase is now 2.6%.  This is the inflation measure that the Fed would like to see rise by 2.0%.   We believe inflation will continue to slow gradually, but will stay above target until early in 2026.

The  purchases of Treasury securities by the Fed in 2020 and 2021 caused money supply growth to surge.  We all learned back in our basic economic classes that money growth is the cause of inflation.  However, the length of time between a pickup in money growth and an increase in inflation is both long and variable.  Thus, the earlier increase in  money growth caused the inflation rate to climb well above the Fed’s 2.0% target for a protracted period of time.  However, as the Fed has been running off some of its holdings of U.S. Treasury and mortgage backed securities, the money supply has declined in recent months.  The problem is that the earlier rapid growth pushed the level of M-2 far higher than its trend path would suggest.  At its peak that difference was $4.0 trillion which represented surplus liquidity in the economy.  At the moment that difference is  $0.5 trillion.  If the Fed keeps shrinking the money supply at its current pace, this surplus liquidity should soon be eliminated which should allow the core inflation rate to continue to fall slowly.

We expect the core PCE deflator to climb 2.3% in 2025. The funds rate is currently 4.3%.  This means that the inflation-adjusted or real funds rate today is +1.7% (4.3% – 2.6% in January) .  If the inflation rate edges its way lower to 2.3% by the end of next year, the Fed should be able to lower the funds rate to about 4.1%.

GDP grew 2,3% in the fourth quarter.  We expect to see GDP growth of 2.5% in the first quarter and 2.8% in 2025.

Stephen Slifer


Charleston, SC