March 17, 2025
Retail sales rose 0.2% in February after having fallen 1.2% in January and having risen 0.7% in December. In the past year retail sales have risen 3.2% The wildfires in California that raged from January 7 through the end of January, and the bitter cold weather throughout the rest of the country. took a big toll on sales in January but they rebounded only modestly in February. It could be that the downturn in sentiment in January and February related to tariffs and their possible impact on inflation is causing consumers to restrain their pace of spending.
Motor vehicle sales fell 0.4% in February after having declined 3.7% in January and having climbed by 1.3% in December. In the past year car sales have risen 3.3%.
Retail sales ex autos and gas, which eliminates the two most volatile components and is a better gauge of the trend pace of sales rose 0.5% in January after declining 0.8% in January and rising 0.4% in December.. In the past year this so-called core spending pace has risen 3.6%.
Restaurant sales declined 1.5% in February after having been unchanged in February after falling 0.7% in January. In the past year restaurant sales have risen 1.8%. Consumers continue to dine out, but their spending on restaurant meals has clearly slowed in the past couple of months.
Sales at nonstore retailers jumped 2.4% in February after having fallen 2.4% in January after having risen 0.5% in December. In the past year nonstore sales have risen 6.7%.
The combination of a 0.2% increase in sales with a 0.2% increase in the CPI caused real retail sales to be unchanged in February after having plunged by 1.7% in January and risen 0.4% in December. Real sales have risen 0.3% in the past year. The drop in real retail sales in January appears to have been caused by the California fires and the bitter cold weather elsewhere, but its failure to rebound in February is a sign that the consumer is beginning to slow his or her pace of spending in the face of considerably uncertainty regarding tariffs and their impact on inflation in the months ahead.
Stephen Slifer
Charleston, SC
Hi Steve,
How much of the $2T is going to large corporations vs small business?
Hi Brian,
There are tons of different pieces to that program. But it appears to me that the only “big business” that is getting money is the airline industry. Here are some of the highlights:
1. Every taxpayer receives $1,200 check. $500 extra per kid.
2. Unemployed workers get extgra $600/ week for up to 4 months. When couple with state benefits, some will be making more on unemployment than on their day job.
3. Hospitals get $100. Losing money because they are forced to postpone elective surgeries which is wher they make their money. I think they also get a bigger reimbursement from Social Security for treating COVID19 patients.
4. Airlines get $29 billion in grants, $29 billion in loans.
5. Small businesses get tax credit if they keep workers on the payroll.
6. State and local governments get $150 billion. They are losing sales tax and corporate profits + they have expenses involved with the corona virus like police, fire, EMT.
7. Defense Dept. gets $10.5 billion for deploying National Guard to distribute medical supplies, food, etc.
8 Employers get to defer the 6.25% payroll tax which is their portion of funding Social Security.
9. Payments in there for telemedicine, food stamps, farmers.
A little something for everybody.
Hello Steve,
I pray for a weak covid episode and a quick recovery!
I had some time to kill yesterday before a dentist appointment so I went by an outdoor store in North Charleston and Tanger mall. In both cases, I could’ve rolled the bowling ball down the aisles and never hit a person. This was around 11 o’clock in the morning yesterday not a very good gauge on retail activity, but still these are gathering points for customers. My guess is a lot of the Retail sales growth is online sales.
Hi Neil,
Mary and I went to the Tanger outlet in Bluffton a few weeks ago. It seemed fairly busy, but not like what it used to be a decade or so ago. And you are right that the bulk of recent sales are on-line. For example in March total retail sales rose $5.l billion of which $3.3 billion came from on-line sales. Thus two-thirds of the growth in sales came from on-line retailers which account for just 17.3% of total sales. For what it is worth, just prior to the recession (December 2019) on-line sales were 12.3% of the total. They have increased market share by about 1.0% per year in each of the past four years. Impressive.