Average Hourly Earnings

October 4, 2024 Average  hourly earnings rose 0.4% in September to $35.36 after having risen 0.5% in August.  Earnings growth has slowed from 4.3% at the end of  last year to 4.0% currently.  The earlier decline in earnings appears to reflect the flood of workers from...

Average Duration of Unemployment

October 4, 2024 The average duration of unemployment rose 1.6 weeks in September to 22.6 after having risen 0.4 week in August.  Its current level is roughly where it was prior to the recession in early 2020.  After declining slowly for more than one year, it has...

ADP Employment

October 2, 2024 As shown above the ADP survey shows a respectable correlation with the private sector portion of the payroll employment data to be released a couple of days later.  And well it should.  ADP, or Automatic Data Processing, Inc. is a provider of...

Construction Spending

October 1 2024             Construction spending (the green bars above) declined 0.1% in August after having fallen 0.5% in July and 1.1% in June.  Construction spending climbed sharply in the first four months of this year, but it has...